What is the sentence that contained זרפ עעמן in the following question, where the question includes a set of actual sentences and nominal sentences as well, and the student is asked to determine which of the previous sentences contains זרפ עמן, which is the proper noun that يشير إلى وقت الإجراء ، الذي يختلف عن المكان الذي يشير إلى المكان الذي يحدث فيه الإجراء.

ما هي الجملة التي احتوت على ظرف الزمان

One of the examples of זרפ עעמן in the sentence: morning and evening, and the word night also comes זרפ עמן, and its conjugation is as follows: the verb זרפ עמן is placed in it and the sign of צרפ עעמן is placed at the end , and from this the student deduces the correct answer to the linguistic question that says: Choose the correct answer in The following is the sentence that contained the זרפ עםמאן, and the answer is: I went out in the morning, since the morning comes זרפ עעמן expresses the period of time and it is in the early morning.

وبهذه الطريقة يتوصل الطالب إلى حلول لجميع الأسئلة المحيرة في اللغة العربية ، بما في ذلك السؤال عن الجملة التي تحتوي على زمن الزمن.